Open Access BASE2016

The System of Early Help and Support for Families of Children with Special Needs Early Age – Early Intervention – in the Czech Republic ; Система ранней помощи и поддержки семей с детьми со специальными потребностями раннего возраста – раннего вмешательства в Чешской Республике


The article reveals the historical and socio-cultural context of the establishment and development of early intervention system in the Czech Republic, following the traditions ofthe European understanding of the nature of this social phenomenon. It presents a modern legislative framework in early intervention, based on the Law of the Czech Republic № 108/2006 Sb. "On social services". ; The article reveals the historical and socio-cultural context of the establishment and development of early intervention system in the Czech Republic, following the traditions of the European understanding of the nature of this social phenomenon. It presents a modern legislative framework in early intervention, based on the Law of the Czech Republic № 108/2006 Sb. "On social services".

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