Open Access BASE2011

ES informacinės visuomenės plėtros politikos įgyvendinimas Lietuvoje: e. valdžia ; Implementation of the EU information society development policy in Lithuania: E. Government


Rapid development of information and communication technologies opened up new opportunities for global interactions – developed electronic space without usual time and distance strictures. Considering globalization, one of the most important tasks for the present government is being able to change along with the exigencies and expectations of modern society and business, being able to change state ruling and at the same time make public administration modern, using up-to-date technologies, rethinking and rearranging organizational processes considering consumer requirements and trying to achieve effective control. Electronic Government is understood as an entirety which includes integration of information and communication technologies into public administration, new skills and alternation of organizational activities designed for the purpose of public services, democratic operations and open politics' improvement. Further development of Electronic Government requires public services to be effective and secure. So, one of the key aspects of Electronic Government is to ensure the consumers, who are using electronic public services, satisfaction and pay exceptional attention to the services which can be offered internationally. In order to be able to offer these services electronically, we have to aim for a wide range of use, not only for relocation of the services into electronic medium. The purpose of work is to evaluate the implementation of Electronic Government and the information society development policy in Lithuania using the analysis of law, institutions and qualitative search based on statistics. This work analyses the realization of Electronic Government in public sector. The review of Electronic Government's offered services and the present situation of possible projects are presented in this work based on conception of public administration effectiveness, the law and institutions survey, statistics and the qualitative investigation. Also the recommendations and stakes of Electronic Government development are presented. They are subject to making public sector activities more effective, government expenses reduction, specifying citizen-oriented electronic public services and better cooperation between Government and Society, using all the possibilities and measures of Electronic Government.


Litauisch, Englisch


Institutional Repository of Vytautas Magnus University

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