Open Access BASE2019

Energetinio saugumo valdysena Lietuvoje: visuomenės požiūrio ir politikos analizės palyginimas ; The governmentality of energy security in Lithuania: a comparison of societal preferences and political agenda


While looking through the lens of governmentality, the article analyses how the Lithuanian energy secu-rity policy and the energy security risks constructed by the political powers coincide with the energy secu-rity preferences and perception of risks in Lithuania society. The article first analyses the rationality of Lithuanian energy policy (by examining the con-formity of the energy security policy chosen by the Government with the public interest) and then turns its attention to the implementation and consequences of specific energy projects (examining public opin-ion). The analysis of public attitudes is based on 2013 and 2017 and the analysis of energy policy as the most important energy policy documents for 2012–2017. The study shows that the mismatch between public opinion and policy goals can undermine the implementation of energy security policy

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