Open Access BASE2007

Tikybos mokytojų rengimas Marijampolės kolegijoje. Dabartis ir ateities perspektyvos ; Religion teacher training and future prospects at Marijampole college


The changing nature of education in the EU and Lithuania increases the demand for more universal and broader specialization, which stimulates the search for new models of non –university teacher training. The objective of this article is to discuss the training of religion teachers, possibilities for their broader competence and expediency, based on the 10-year experience of training religion teachers at Marijampole College. Subdisciplines of the Lithuanian language and religion and expediency of integration widen the outlook of a teacher and help to prepare for moral educational work at school. Competences in two specialities (the Lithuanian language and teacher of religion) enable graduates of compete more successfully in the work market of pedagogues. The future of Lithuania especially will depend on the programs of teacher training and how they will be realized. Fast changes of Lithuanian society and education, processes of European integration and acquaintance with dominating models of teacher training in European Union make clear the demand for more universal pedagogues.

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