Open Access BASE2014

Закрытие католических монастырей и ликвидация их землевладения в Беларуси и Литве (30-е гг. ХІХ в.) ; The Closing of Catholic Monasteries and Liquidation of Their Lands in Belarus and Lithuania (30-ies XIX Century)


Monastic estates in Belarus and Lithuania formed in the days of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealthby giving the Royal power, magnates and senior officials. In conditions of the Russian Empire in the end of XVIII - first half of XIX century the fate of monastery peasants in Belarusian and Lithuanian lands depended on the state program of secularization, and especially the political relations of tsarism with the Catholic Church. The sympathy and support of the Roman Catholic monasteries the uprising of 1830 - 1831 years led to the closing and liquidation of land property of those who have not had the wholeline up monks. According to the decree of 19 July 1832 in Vilna province was abolished 40 monasteries in Vitebsk province - 8, in Grodno province - 31 in Minsk province - 21, in the Mogilev province - 21. The former monastery peasants, the total amount to 15 thousand male soul, were transferred to the state category, with the spread on them later all rights last. The tsarist government gradually preparing a complete secularization of church lands, collecting secret information about them and detailed descriptions, and decided to carry it out in early 1840s, After the abolition of the Statute of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the introduction here of general legislation of the Russian Empire.




Kaunas: Vitauto Didžiojo universitetas; Vilnius: Versus aureus

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