Open Access BASE2019

The teaching of Inclusive Education and the question about the method: an anti-disciplinary analysis ; La enseñanza de la Educación Inclusiva y la pregunta por el método: un análisis anti-disciplinar


International audience ; The specificity that defines the teaching of Inclusive Education can be explained in close relation to the effects of the field of social representation, of the value frames, the ideologies that circulate and take place within the institutionalized academic structures, challenges the knowledge pedagogical, destabilizes it, de-edits it, alters it, demands to mobilize new rationalities for its teaching, attending to the multiplicity of inherent differences in the pedagogical subject, as well as, the multiposicity of factors and elements that define the configuration and function of its epistemological field. All of this reveals complex consequences resulting from changes in the mechanisms of cultural production, the struggle for social cohesion and the search for new ways of approaching the educational act. Despite the numbers reflective efforts, none of the offensives conceived as pseudo-modalities of theorization of Inclusive Education manages to articulate a cultural, political and epistemic project that enters into dispute with other conceptual, ontological and methodological fronts. Nor is it possible to observe the link with other networks of alternative practices, much less with the body of controversies and internal contradictions expressed in its field. ; La especificidad que define la enseñanza de la Educación Inclusiva puede ser explicada en estrecha relación con los efectos del campo de la representación social, de los marcos de valores, las ideologías que circulan y tiene lugar al interior de las estructuras académicas institucionalizadas, desafía al saber pedagógico, lo desestabiliza, lo desedimenta, lo altera, exige movilizar nuevas racionalidades para su enseñanza, atendiendo a la multiplicidad de diferencias inherentes al sujeto pedagógico, así como, la multiposicionalidad de factores y elementos que definen la configuración y función de su campo epistemológico. Todo ello, devela complejas consecuencias producto de los cambios producidos en los mecanismos de producción ...

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