Open Access BASE2001

Politiques du handicap et médecine périnatale ; Politiques du handicap et médecine périnatale: la difficile conciliation de deux champs d'intervention sur le handicap


L'article est publié en anglais. Je verse dans HALSHS la version française. En outre, cet article est inclus dans un dossier thématique de la revue ALTER : "Quand le handicap interroge la naissance ". ; International audience ; Even if this is not its primary mission, with the rapid progress in techniques in the fields of prenatal diagnosis and neonatal resuscitation over the last three decades, perinatal medicine now plays an active role in the social treatment of disability. This activity was developed independently of new conceptions of disability which, through the impetus provided by disabled persons movements and disability studies, were at the same time the object of a broad international debate which led to classification and to new legislation and recommendations. This situation of impermeability between the two fields of intervention on disability - perinatal medicine on the one hand, public policies and social action on the other - led to practices being anchored in radically different conceptions of disability. The author sets out the current situation for the management and practice of prenatal diagnosis in France, and attempts to analyse the reasons behind difficulties in reconciling these two fields of intervention by looking back at the socio-historical modalities of their construction. Two ideas are put forward: the State's delegation to different actors in the two fields, and the extension - ratified by the enclave of the medical institution - of "therapeutic abortion" to include foetal indications. ; Avec l'avancée rapide des techniques dans le domaine du diagnostic prénatal et de la réanimation néonatale au cours des trois dernières décennies, la médecine périnatale en est venue à participer activement, même si ce n'est pas sa mission première, au traitement social du handicap. Cette activité s'est élaborée totalement en marge des nouvelles conceptions du handicap qui, sous l'impulsion des mouvements de personnes handicapées et des disability studies, ont fait l'objet durant la même période, ...

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