Open Access BASE2018

To reinforce the quality of the training by thinking the ethics in training ; Renforcer la qualité de la formation par la réflexion sur l'éthique en formation


In France, the quality of training or quality in training becomes a leitmotiv due to strong pressure of media but but it turns out that this topic is not found in many speeches of policy makers and training actors. As a consequence a public policy was built to bring an answer and the French public authorities chose both the legislative and regulatory ways, in 2014, which became fully effective in 2017. The quality is an object of a historized social construction, in the socio-economic approach of the economy singularities based on market judgments. Training, as an experience good and a co-production service, is crippled by uncertainties resulting from imperfect information conveyed by the very nature of the service. We also ask the legitimate question of whether we would not face a managerial ideology at work. Our hypothesis is that the quality of training would be an policy instrument in the service of the recomposition of the State. On these bases, it is proposed to open the thinking on ethics in training. It seems likely to provide a new framework of action more conducive to overcome the difficulties and ambiguities of the quality of training. In particular, it is proposed to open a workspace and research on deliberative ethics in training. ; En France, face à une forte pression médiatique, la qualité de la formation, ou en formation, est devenue un leitmotiv, mais aussi un objet introuvable, de nombreux discours des décideurs politiques et des opérateurs de la formation, au point d'en faire une politique publique. La puissance publique française a choisi la voie législative et réglementaire, en 2014. Celle-ci est devenue pleinement opérationnelle en 2017. Nous situons la qualité, en tant qu'objet d'une construction sociale historisée, dans l'approche socioéconomique de l'économie des singularités qui repose sur des marchés-jugements. La formation, en tant que bien d'expérience et service de co-production, est percluse d'incertitudes résultantes de l'information imparfaite transportée par la nature même du ...

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