Open Access BASE2008

From international institutions to local action. In what scales is sustainable development efficient? The case of the Senegal river watershed. ; Des institutions internationales à l'action locale. A quelles échelles le développement durable est-il efficace ? Le cas des équipements structurants dans le bassin versant du fleuve Sénégal


Field researches articulate around two areas: on one hand, they concern the study of sustainable development through the analysis on the economic, social, institutional and environmental plans of the policies of development and great hydro-agricultural planning performed on a regional scale in the watershed of the Senegal river (Senegal, Mali, Mauritania and Guinea) and in the local scale in the territorial space located along the left bank of the river. On the other hand, they try to study or to understand how the international policies of development and particularly environmental management piloted and conceptualized by great international authorities (international institutions of United Nations, international NGO, international financial Institutions) are inserted into the implements of management or governance established at regional, national and local scale and how they are, at the end of different stages of incorporation, applied. In a transverse way in these research areas, two other areas appear: first new principles or indicators relating to sustainable development and to environmental justice such as equity and participation are studied on these territories in order to understand better mechanisms or functioning of the models of development conveyed by international authorities on the territories of the south countries. Then, the analysis of great environmental international conventions since their elaboration through international negotiations with all polemics which follow from it (diversity of the actors, difference or opposition of stakes and interests of the actors and the geographical regions) until their application. ; Les travaux s'articulent autour de deux axes de réflexion : d'une part, ils portent sur l'étude du développement durable au travers de l'analyse sur les plans économique, social, institutionnel et environnemental des politiques de développement et des grands aménagements hydro-agricoles effectués à l'échelle régionale dans le bassin du fleuve Sénégal, puis à l'échelle locale ...

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