Open Access BASE2015

The corruption of public officials : comparative approach of French and Malian laws ; La corruption des agents publics : approche comparée des droits français et malien


Corruption, considered as an excessive use of a power delegated for private purposes, inevitably enriches a small number of people. Thus, where it is rooted, it becomes a major obstacle to development by weakening the society and the state. Therefore, it undermines the very foundations of the rule of law, undermines the foundations of democracy and derives its source of bad governance. Consequently, it does not only lead to a misuse of public funds, but also distorts competition by creating inequalities among citizens. Aware of the harmful effects of this phenomenon, France and Mali provide and punish in their legal systems the fight against corruption. For prevention purposes, bodies of administrative nature are created (SCPC France and Mali OAG, etc.) whose mission is to prevent the corruption of public officials. Also, as regards to law enforcement, specialized courts are created in these countries to quell any attack on public probity. But there is no choice but to accept that the effective implementation of these measures often encounter difficulties linked inter alia to the brevity of the limitation period, the issue of whether prosecution is advisable, to defense secrecy, etc. Internationally and regionally, as many conventions or agreements have been adopted to make the fight against corruption, a major stake. Besides, the United Nations has listed the fight against corruption among their objectives, considering this plague to be in many ways a major obstacle to the rule of law. France and Mali have ratified and adapted most of the international and regional conventions to their legal system in order to conform to international constraints for the fight against corruption, a struggle which tends to internationalize. This study aims to make an inventory of the corruption in both countries, analyze the reality and the weakness of the measures implemented to fight against this plague while making proposals for a more effective fight against corruption which, notwithstanding blights both public and private ...

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