Open Access BASE2019

Study of Social Networks : modeling and Analysis ; Etude des Réseaux Sociaux : modélisation et analyse


Currently social networks focus on the sharing and exchange of opinions, videos, photos, music,news and others informations, one of its objectives is to establish direct and indirect linkswith users. Social networks also promote products, people (their political or artistic image) orinfluential brands.Social networks are changing rapidly, so we're looking to see the evolution of these sharingtools, and see how social networks change over time.We have the opportunity to study the events that occur in social networks thanks to the amount ofdata they produce. In the current market there are tools that allow the analysis of social networks,but most tools are not free, and 100% free tools disappear over time. For this reason we decidedto produce computer tools able to extract and analyse the data of the social networks studied.This study begins with the state of the art, where we describe the context of the problem, thework that led to this study and a summary of the contributions made during the thesis that wepresent briefly in the rest of the abstract.i. First we focus on the geo-linguistic fingerprint and language evolution in Twitter. Accessto content of messages sent by a group of subscribers of a social network may be usedto identify and quantify some features of a group. The feature can represent the level ofinterest in an event or product, or the popularity of an idea, or of a musical hit, or of apolitical figure. The feature can also represent how language is used and transformed,how words are written and how new grammatical rules appear.ii. Then we study the evolution of the cultural phenomenon called meme in social networks.Memes were defined by R. Dowkins as a cultural phenomenon that spreads through nongeneticforms. We examine three of the most popular memes of the internet and examinetheir impact on society in the Mediterranean countries. We use for analysing Google Trends, Topsy (a tool to measure the popularity of words on Twitter) and YouTube toquantify the impact of memes in the Mediterranean ...

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