Open Access BASE2019

California: Brown's Last Budget Hurrah


California passed a 2018‒2019 budget with record budget surpluses as the state attention shifted to the upcoming 2018 election. This was Jerry Brown's final budget after sixteen years as governor, a state record. Brown was concerned the state's volatile income tax revenues might not hold up during a future recession and wanted to store as much of the surplus away in the state's emergency "rainy-day" fund. Continuing the annual pattern, Democratic legislators wanted to spend some of the surplus on social services, including the increasing problems of homelessness and affordable housing. In addition, legislators began to address the long-ignored problem of sexual harassment in the capitol and was on the front line of the #MeToo movement, leading several legislators to resign. Democrats did well in the November elections, leading to an even bluer California.




eScholarship, University of California

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