Open Access BASE2012

La seguridad alimentaria frente a la internacionalización del comercio ; Food security in the face of the internationalization of trade


Los grandes actores agrícolas (Estados Unidos, la Unión Europea y los grandes países periféricos) evolucionan hacia una liberalización progresiva del comercio mundial. La ponderación que las políticas agrícolas establecen entre apertura y protección constituye el marco ideal para el estudio de la problemática emergencia de la libre circulación de productos agrícolas, pues ella puede caracterizar algunos impasses socio-políticos relacionados con la seguridad alimentaria. La tendencia hacia la liberalización puede explicar por qué para la comunidad internacional los acuerdos comerciales son uno de los medios empleados por algunos países para obtener la apertura de los mercados. ABSTRACT The big agricultural actors at a worldwide level (United States of America, the European Union, and a big group of peripheral countries) are evolving in a progressive liberalization of the world trade. The gricultural policies' balance of liberalization and protection elements constitutes the ideal framework to analyze the problematic emergence of the free circulation of food. It can additionally characterize some socio-political impasses related to the food security. This tendency towards liberalization can explain why for the international community trade agreements are used by some countries so to get market openings. ; The most important agricultural actors on a worldwide level (United States of America, the European Union, and a big group of peripheral countries) are evolving in a progressive liberalization of the world trade. The agricultural policies' balance of liberalization and protection elements constitutes the ideal framework to analyze the problematic emergence of the free circulation of food. It can additionally characterize some socio-political impasses related to the food security. This tendency towards liberalization can explain why for the international community, trade agreements are ranked by the ways that some countries can use them as market opening tools.


Spanisch, Kastilisch


Centro de Investigación en Cultura y Desarrollo (CICDE)

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