Open Access BASE2017

'Red dirt' schools and pathways into higher education


One of the predominant themes that pervades much of the literature on remote education is one about Indigenous 'disadvantage'. It has been defined specifically as 'the difference (or gap) in outcomes for Indigenous Australians when compared with non-Indigenous Australians' (Steering Committee for the Review of Government Service Provision 2012, p. xiv). The concept then extends to 'closing the gap' (Council of Australian Governments 2009) in a general sense and in a more specific educational context (What Works: The Work Program 2012). Combining 'Indigenous disadvantage' with 'remote' adds a different meaning – those who live in remote communities are doubly 'disadvantaged' because of their geographic location and their race, and indeed some indexes of socio-economic advantage place disproportionate weight on location and race.

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