Open Access BASE2014

Transport fingerprints at graphene superlattice Dirac points induced by a boron nitride substrate


Under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 3.0 (CC-BY). ; We report peculiar transport fingerprints at the secondary Dirac points created by the interaction between graphene and boron nitride layers. By performing ab initio calculations, the electronic characteristics of the moiré patterns produced by the interaction between layers are first shown to be in good agreement with experimental data, and further used to calibrate the tight-binding model implemented for the transport study. By means of a real-space order-N quantum transport (Kubo) methodology, low-energy (Dirac point) transport properties are contrasted with those of high-energy (secondary) Dirac points, including both Anderson disorder and Gaussian impurities to respectively mimic short-range and long-range scattering potentials. Mean free paths at the secondary Dirac points are found to range from 10 nm to a few hundreds of nm depending on the static disorder, while the observation of satellite resistivity peaks depends on the strength of quantum interferences and localization effects. ; This work was funded by Spanish FEDER-MINECO (Grants No. FIS2009-12721-C04-01 and No. CSD2007-00041) and AGAUR (Grant No. FI-DGR 2011FI B 00993). S.R. acknowledges support from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (under Contract No. MAT2012-33911). The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme under Grant Agreement No. 604391 "Graphene Flagship". ; Peer Reviewed




American Physical Society



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