Open Access BASE2015

Single neural code for blur in subjects with different interocular optical blur orientation


13 págs.; 5 figs. ; © 2015 ARVO. The ability of the visual system to compensate for differences in blur orientation between eyes is not well understood. We measured the orientation of the internal blur code in both eyes of the same subject monocularly by presenting pairs of images blurred with real ocular point spread functions (PSFs) of similar blur magnitude but varying in orientations. Subjects assigned a level of confidence to their selection of the best perceived image in each pair. Using a classification-images–inspired paradigm and applying a reverse correlation technique, a classification map was obtained from the weighted averages of the PSFs, representing the internal blur code. Positive and negative neural PSFs were obtained from the classification map, representing the neural blur for best and worse perceived blur, respectively. The neural PSF was found to be highly correlated in both eyes, even for eyes with different ocular PSF orientations (rPos = 0.95; rNeg = 0.99; p < 0.001). We found that in subjects with similar and with different ocular PSF orientations between eyes, the orientation of the positive neural PSF was closer to the orientation of the ocular PSF of the eye with the better optical quality (average difference was ∼10°), while the orientation of the positive and negative neural PSFs tended to be orthogonal. These results suggest a single internal code for blur with orientation driven by the orientation of the optical blur of the eye with better optical quality. ; The authors acknowledge the funding received from the European Research Council under the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007- 2013) / ERC Grant Agreement n8 294099 (SM), Spanish Government grant FIS2011-264605 (SM), the 7th Framework Programme of the European Community through the Marie Curie Initial Training Network OpAL (OpAL is an Initial Training Network funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme (PITN-GA-2010- 264605, AR) and USA NIH grant R01EY05957 (EP). ; Peer Reviewed

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