Open Access BASE1996

Momentum distributions of particles from three-body halo fragmentation: Final state interactions


4 págs.; 3 figs.; 1 tab. ; PACS number (s): 25.60.2t, 21.45.1v, 21.60.Gx, 27.20.1n ; Momentum distributions of particles from nuclear breakup of fast three-body halos are calculated consistently, and applied to Li-11. The same two-body interactions between the three particles are used to calculate the ground state structure and the final state of the reaction processes. We reproduce the available momentum distributions from Li-11 fragmentation, together with the size and energy of Li-11, with a neutron-core relative state containing ap-state admixture of 20%-30%. The available fragmentation data strongly suggest an s state in Li-10 at about 50 keV and indicate a p state around 500 keV. ©1996 American Physical Society ; One of us (E.G.) acknowledges support from the European Union through the Human Capital and Mobility program Contract No. ERBCHBGCT930320 ; Peer Reviewed




American Physical Society



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