Open Access BASE2017

Dificultades de los investigadores españoles para publicar en revistas internacionales: métricas, editores y multilingüismo


[ES] Throughout history, there have been several languages, such as German, French or English, which have gained the status of lingua franca of international scientific communication. However, contemporary science has witnessed a significant increase in the use of English for scholarly communication. As a result, nowadays, scientific records written in languages other than English are increasingly scarce, hence, perpetuating English as a lingua franca in this context. This situation has brought about many difficulties and inequalities that non-Anglophone researchers need to face when it comes to developing their professional activity. It has also given rise to a change in researchers´ patterns of publication associated with their attitudes towards the languages they can choose to communicate their results. In this paper, we offer a state-of-the-art review and analyze the data available from the main studies that have been carried out in Spain and in other non-Anglophone contexts. Finally, pedagogical, economic and political implications are discussed. ; Peer Reviewed

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