Open Access BASE2018

MERS-CoV 4b protein interferes with the NF-kappaB-dependent innate immune response during infection


Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) is a novel human coronavirus that emerged in 2012, causing severe pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), with a case fatality rate of ~36%. When expressed in isolation, CoV accessory proteins have been shown to interfere with innate antiviral signaling pathways. However, there is limited information on the specific contribution of MERS-CoV accessory protein 4b to the repression of the innate antiviral response in the context of infection. We found that MERS-CoV 4b was required to prevent a robust NF-κB dependent response during infection. In wild-type virus infected cells, 4b localized to the nucleus, while NF-κB was retained in the cytoplasm. In contrast, in the absence of 4b or in the presence of cytoplasmic 4b mutants lacking a nuclear localization signal (NLS), NF-κB was translocated to the nucleus leading to the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines. This indicates that NF-κB repression required the nuclear import of 4b mediated by a specific NLS. Interestingly, we also found that both in isolation and during infection, 4b interacted with α-karyopherin proteins in an NLS-dependent manner. In particular, 4b had a strong preference for binding karyopherin-α4 (KPNA4), which is known to translocate the NF-κB protein complex into the nucleus. Binding of 4b to KPNA4 during infection inhibited its interaction with NF-κB-p65 subunit. Thereby we propose a model where 4b outcompetes NF-κB for KPNA4 binding and translocation into the nucleus as a mechanism of interference with the NF-κB-mediated innate immune response. ; This work was supported by grants from the Government of Spain (BIO2013-42869-R and BIO2016-75549-R AEI/FEDER, UE), the European Zoonotic anticipation and preparedness initiative ZAPI (IMI_115760), and U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) (contract #0258-3413/ HHSN266200700010C (LE), 2P01 AI060699 (LE and SP), and R01 AI129269 (SP). JC received a contract from the Government of Spain (BIO2013- 42869-R). ARF was supported by institutional NRSA training grant T32-AI007260 and an individual NIH NRSA grant (F32-AI113973).




Public Library of Science



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