Open Access BASE2019

Results on proton-irradiated 3D pixel sensors interconnected to RD53A readout ASIC


On behalf of the CMS Collaboration: et al. ; Test beam results obtained with 3D pixel sensors bump-bonded to the RD53A prototype readout ASIC are reported. Sensors from FBK Italy and IMB-CNM (Spain) have been tested before and after proton-irradiation to an equivalent fluence of about 1 × 10 ≠cm (1MeV equivalent neutrons). This is the first time that one single collecting electrode fine pitch 3D sensors are irradiated up to such fluence bump-bonded to a fine pitch ASIC. The preliminary analysis of the collected data shows no degradation on the hit detection efficiencies of the tested sensors after high energy proton irradiation, demonstrating the excellent radiation tolerance of the 3D pixel sensors. Thus, they will be excellent candidates for the extreme radiation environment at the innermost layers of the HL-LHC experiments. ; This project has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities under grants FPA2015-71292-C2-2-P, FPA2017-85155-C4-1-R and FPA2017-85155-C4-2-R; and the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under Grant Agreement no. 654168 (AIDA-2020).

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