Open Access BASE2002

Retarded field calculation of electron energy loss in inhomogeneous dielectrics


The exact solution of Maxwell's equations in the presence of arbitrarily shaped dielectrics is expressed in terms of surface-integral equations evaluated at the interfaces. The electromagnetic field induced by the passage of an external electron is then calculated in terms of self-consistently obtained boundary charges and currents. This procedure is shown to be suitable for the simulation of electron energy loss spectra when the materials under consideration are described by local frequency-dependent response functions. The particular cases of translationally invariant interfaces and axially symmetric interfaces are discussed in detail. The versatility of this method is emphasized by examples of energy loss spectra for electrons passing near metallic and dielectric wedges, coupled cylinders, spheres, and tori, and other complex geometries, where retardation aspects and Cherenkov losses can sometimes be significant. ; One of the authors (F.J.G.A.) wants to acknowledge help and support from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnologia and the Basque Government. ; Peer reviewed




American Physical Society



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