Open Access BASE2021

Co-pelletization of pine sawdust and refused derived fuel (RDF) to high-quality waste-derived pellets


Energy generation from non-hazardous waste streams, which are unfeasible to be reused or recycled, can help overcome some of the problems related to fossil fuel depletion, global increase in energy demand and waste generation management under restricted landfilling. One of the main drawbacks of waste-to-energy strategies is the poor combustion properties of waste, which densification could help to circumvent. This work studies the co-pelletization of refused derived fuel (RDF) and pine sawdust (PIN) in a continuous pilot pellet mill that resembles industrial pelletization. The effect of RDF contents up to 90 wt% on a set of parameters has been assessed: pelletization energy consumption, physical properties (durability, particle and bulk densities), net calorific value and energy density of the obtained pellets. In addition, slagging, fouling and corrosion, phenomena associated with combustion, were estimated from the ash composition. Results showed that obtaining pellets with a low RDF loading (2–9 wt%) was feasible. They accomplished ISO 17225-2 solid biofuels standard for industrial use, and presented low deposition and corrosion risks. On the other hand, pellets with 30–90 wt% RDF were also manufactured and complied with the UNE-EN 15359:2012 solid recovered-fuel standard for energy recovery in incineration and co-incineration plants. All the produced pellets presented durability and net calorific value above 96.9% and 10.7 MJ/kg, respectively. Energy density higher than 10.6 GJ/m3 was obtained for pellet formulations with RDF content up to 50 wt%. It was demonstrated that the blends of RDF and PIN can provide high-quality pellets with a high load of waste material, under the same operational conditions required for PIN pelletization. It is a versatile process that can be tailored to different product requirements depending on the end-use. It promotes energy recovery and generates value out of a waste fraction with no relevant use, adding economic and environmental benefits. ; This work was carried out with financial support from the Gobierno del Principado de Asturias (PCTI, Ref. IDI/2018/000115), co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and from the CSIC (Project PIE, Ref. 202080E115). M.V. Gil acknowledges support from a Ramon y Cajal grant (RYC-2017-21937) of the Spanish Government and the Spanish State Research Agency, co-financed by the European Social Fund (ESF). ; Peer reviewed

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