Open Access BASE2009

Influence of the tip in near-field imaging of nanoparticle plasmonic modes: Weak and strong coupling regimes


We identify weak and strong coupling regimes between a near-field probing tip and a plasmonic sample by imaging plasmon-resonant gold nanodisks with scattering-type scanning near-field optical microscopy (s-SNOM). By means of rigorous electrodynamical calculations based on a model system, we find that in the weak coupling regime, s-SNOM can be applied for direct mapping of plasmonic nanoantenna modes, while in the strong coupling regime, the near-field probe allows for high-precision opto-mechanical control of the antenna response. © 2009 The American Physical Society. ; We acknowledge P. Hanarp and D. S. Sutherland for provision of the disk samples, and financial support from the project ETORTEK-2008 of the Department of Industry of the Basque Government and project FIS2007-66711-C01-01 of the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science. ; Peer Reviewed




American Physical Society



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