Open Access BASE2020

Poverty Status and Factors Affecting Household Poverty in Southern Punjab: An Empirical Analysis


The strategies expected to mitigate poverty tend to identify factors that are closely related to poverty and that could have influenced the policy implications. A household level data was collected to examine the poverty status and factors affecting poverty in Southern Punjab. A logistic regression technique was employed for the present analyses. The findings show that age and education of the household head, own house, spouse participation, remittances, number of earners in the household and physical assets reduces the probability of being poor in Southern Punjab. However, large household size, occupation in the primary sector, high dependency ratio and mental disability are associated with an increased probability of being poor in Southern Punjab. Government should adopt effective policy measures to generate employment and encourage the attainment of education for the poor households for the mitigation of poverty in this region.




CSRC Publishing | Center for Sustainability Research & Consultancy Pakistan



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