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Рассматривается деятельность МА «Сибирское соглашение», направленная на борьбу с преступностью, ставшей в условиях перехода к либерально-рыночной системе серьезной угрозой для целостности Российского государства. Анализируются факторы, способствовавшие взаимодействию сибирских регионов и федерального центра в правоохранительной сфере. Делается вывод о том, что «Сибирское соглашение», формируя новую систему институтов на межрегиональном уровне, внесло существенный вклад в борьбу с преступностью в 1990-е гг., в поддержание стабильности в обществе, что объективно способствовало сохранению Российского государства. ; In the beginning of 1990s, in the process of the formation of a new social system in Russia, there was clearly a weakening of the Central government. In these conditions, crime became a serious threat to the conservation and integrity of the state, and the determining factor for a successful fight against crime was the interaction of all levels of government, as well as the authorities and the society. In these conditions, there appeared the idea of the unification of efforts of the law enforcement activities of all the Siberian territories. In July 1993 The Council of the Interregional Association "Siberian Accord" established the coordination Council on struggle against crime. The aim of its foundation was proclaimed as the unification and concentration of efforts of all state bodies, public organizations, labor collectives and citizens for the solution of the pressing tasks in the fight against crime, particularly of its organized forms. The created coordination Council was not entitled to interfere in the activities of law enforcement and Supervisory structures, and only had to assist them, identify the problems and develop comprehensive measures, aimed at their solution. Objectively the Federation subjects were interested in the fight against crime, in fact, they were responsible for the situation on the ground. At the same time, active participation in law-enforcement activity clearly raised their status in the context of Federal relations. The Federal government, in fact, agreed to the intervention of the regions in the sphere of order protection, mainly where it could not fulfill its obligations. The problem was that the regions also did not have enough resources for a successful fight against crime, therefore, there was a need for a coordinated interregional policy in this sphere. For effective struggle against crime there was a need for a new system of institutions, which would consolidate the potential of the Central and regional authorities, as well as that of the society, which objectively would have contributed to the strengthening of a new Russian state. Coordination Council on the struggle against crime became such a form. On the one hand its creation became an obvious substitution of the Federal structures, but at the same time made it possible to promptly complete the institutional and legal vacuum, make a significant contribution to the organization of the fight against crime in the new conditions. Siberian regions "took" charge for the solution of problems themselves than ensured the integrity of the Russian state. The Federal government was interested in the existence of such structures, as they helped to maintain stability in the society and the state. However, the Center did not give an official status the coordination Council on struggle against crime, taking it as a temporary phenomenon, to some extent an emergency one. With the strengthening of the power of the Federal center in the beginning of 2000s activities of the coordination Council on struggle against crime of the MASS was stopped.


Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет

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