Open Access BASE2013



Статья рассказывает об участии сподвижника Александра I Н. Н. Новосильцова в политике России в отношении еврейского населения. В архивохранилищах Санкт-Петербурга автору удалось обнаружить черновики и чистовой вариант проекта реформы еврейского быта в Царстве Польском, разработанного под руководством Н. Н. Новосильцова в 1816 году. Проанализировав ряд источников, автор пришел к выводу о том, что Н. Н. Новосильцов выступал как идеолог интеграции евреев в единый ряд имперских подданных. ; The article tells about Nicolas Novosiltsov, an associate of the Russian emperor Alexander I, his representative in the Kingdom of Poland. It focuses on Novosiltsov's role in the Russian policy regarding the Jews in the first quarter of the XIX century. By the beginning of the XIX century there were about 750 000 Jews in the Western provinces of the Russian Empire and the Kingdom of Poland. According to the Constitutional Charter of the Kingdom of Poland the Jews did not have civil and political rights. The Polish political elite opposed the civil and political emancipation of the Jews, but in the interests of the Russian Empire it was necessary to eliminate the legal separateness of the Jews. Novosiltsov had to defend the Empire's interests. In Saint-Petersburg's archives the author found rough copies and one clean copy of Novosiltsov's project of a charter about the Jews in the Kingdom of Poland. The project was written in 1816. According to the project, all the Jews were to get the civil rights, the educated Jews, who had passed special examination, could even get the political rights. Novosiltsov proposed to liquidate the autonomous Jewish communities (kagals) but to save the Jewish self-government under the supervision of the prosecutor and his assistants appointed by the Emperor. Because of the resistance of the Polish elite, project was not implemented. The author analyzed a number of sources and came to the conclusion that Novosiltsov was an ideologist of integration of the Jews in the membership of the subjects of the Russian Empire.


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