Open Access BASE1995



In his article systematises and analyses data of the comparative international* survey' in March 1995, some other VCIOM polls.^and the government statistics related to cultural aspects of the stratification of contemporary Russian society:-the level of'education and self-evaluations of the way of life, size and type^of dwellings, provision of household.and familywith technical appliances and civilisation facilities(irdm running hot water and the number of electric bulbs, telephone and car to PC and CD-ROM). Basing on the available data, the author has selected several, leyels^of technical provision of home life and;-correspondingly, several models, or trajectories, of the Russians' household or family everyday life-growing civilised: the general urbanisation, educational,' status-hierarchical (authoritative-bureaucratic), generation ones. The' first and the second models are now more likely "weak",'or "relict" ones (historically past), whereas the two latter models are leading today: the maximum' of civilisation facilities and the most complicated technical devices are concentrated among managers of enterprises and organisations and studying young people. These, groups also more often than others act aslleaders of renovation of household conveniences and technical facilities, ©n the whole, the degree of Russian society's differentiation by level of socially recognised individual achievements in spheres independent from bureaucratic power, as well as the degree of «^ordination :pf different measurements of social promotion and social dynamics (education, income, status, authority, influence, way and style of life, etc.) stay being yet no too high as yet. ; In his article systematises and analyses data of the comparative international* survey' in March 1995, some other VCIOM polls.^and the government statistics related to cultural aspects of the stratification of contemporary Russian society:-the level of'education and self-evaluations of the way of life, size and type^of dwellings, provision of household.and familywith technical appliances and civilisation facilities(irdm running hot water and the number of electric bulbs, telephone and car to PC and CD-ROM). Basing on the available data, the author has selected several, leyels^of technical provision of home life and;-correspondingly, several models, or trajectories, of the Russians' household or family everyday life-growing civilised: the general urbanisation, educational,' status-hierarchical (authoritative-bureaucratic), generation ones. The' first and the second models are now more likely "weak",'or "relict" ones (historically past), whereas the two latter models are leading today: the maximum' of civilisation facilities and the most complicated technical devices are concentrated among managers of enterprises and organisations and studying young people. These, groups also more often than others act aslleaders of renovation of household conveniences and technical facilities, ©n the whole, the degree of Russian society's differentiation by level of socially recognised individual achievements in spheres independent from bureaucratic power, as well as the degree of «^ordination :pf different measurements of social promotion and social dynamics (education, income, status, authority, influence, way and style of life, etc.) stay being yet no too high as yet.


Открытое акционерное общество «Всероссийский центр изучения общественного мнения»

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