Open Access BASE2014



В статье рассматривается положение Крыма после завершения Великой Отечественной войны. Исследована динамика изменений в административно-территориальном и демографическом отношениях. Прослежен процесс реализации переселенческой программы и выведено его значение в аспекте решения демографической проблемы. ; Postwar history of the Crimea, in fact, reflects the entire system of social and political life in the USSR. At the same time changing the ethnic composition of the peninsula during the war and postwar period significantly affected its ethno-demographic and socio-economic aspect. In this sense, understanding of ethnodemographic and socio-economic processes in the post-war Crimea is of particular importance for its successful reunification with Russia. Based on archival documents analysis I am considering the dynamics of changes both in the administrative-territorial structure of the Crimea after the Great Patriotic War and in demographic composition of the peninsula. I also analyze archival documents connected with resettlement program realization. Based on archival documents analysis I am considering the dynamics of changes both in the administrative-territorial structure of the Crimea after the Great Patriotic War and in demographic composition of the peninsula. Based on the study of archival documents I distinguish three phases of post-war labor migration to the Crimea: (i) 1944-1953 the beginning of the resettlement process. This period, which began during the war, is characterized by extremely low efficiency of the resettlement. Wartime explains the lack of careful preparation of resettlement activities. As a result, resettlement organization at the initial stage was almost failed. I also analyze archival documents connected with resettlement program realization; (ii) 1954-1964 Nikita Khrushchev transfers Crimea to the Ukrainian SSR, and its government begins to lead the organization of labor migration. Accordingly, the main stream of immigrants came to the Crimea from the densely populated areas of Ukraine. Feature of this phase was a change of attitude towards immigrants: local administrators have focused on the arrivals consolidation on the peninsula; (iii) 1965-1976 this stage is characterized by well-established pattern of population movement. Authorities more carefully approached to the choice of resettlement contingent (required rates were registered in the special instructions); local administrators devoted considerable attention to the construction of standard housing for the newcomers. As a result, in 1960s-1970s, population growth in the Crimea was 40.3%, the labor force increased by 60.1%. In my article, I also pay special attention to the state institutions carrying out management resettlement to Crimea.

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