Open Access BASE2014



Даётся социально-философский анализ «тела» с точки зрения конструкционистской парадигмы. Автором обосновывается методологическая необходимость рассматривать тело как социальный конструкт на трёх уровнях: природном, социальном и культурном. Обозначаются основные критерии данной дифференциации, каждый из уровней рассматривается с точки зрения особенностей экспликации тела, целей конструирования и возможностей коллективного воздействия на данный процесс. Затрагивается также вопрос о гендерном аспекте человеческой телесности как ключевом моменте конструирования тела в рамках бинарной системы. При этом подчёркивается континуальность уровней, целостность и системность человека как существа, воплощённого в теле. ; Topical tendencies of development of philosophy and social sciences are characterized by a return to the problems of the human body and corporeality. The body is treated as an individual way of being human in the world. Relationship of the physicality of people with the cultural-historical and social space of their being, interpersonal communication practices and disciplinary political discourses determines the interpretation of the body emanating from its social constructedness. To study the process of constructing the body a conditional division into three levels is methodologically advisable: natural, social and cultural. Construction is carried out on all three levels which should be considered continually. Criteria of differentiation of these levels are: the specific explication of the body as an object of construction, the purpose pursued during the construction, and possibilities of the collective impact on the individual. In accordance with these criteria, the structure process of construction of the body takes the following form: 1) natural level: the body appears as a living organism with certain restrictions in its transformation; the purpose is adaptation to the environment and the survival of the organism; collective impact is minimal and is mainly based on the level of development of science and, in particular, medicine; subjects of construction of the body are individual scientists and the person with its unique set of preferences and attitudes; 2) social level: the body is part of the relationship with the Other, the boundary between the inner and outer worlds, a socially significant formation represented to society by means of a regulation of the vital functions; the purpose is establishment of communication and harmonious / effective relationships with the reference communities and specific individuals; influence is carried out directly by the social environment and within certain social institutions in the course of socialization and interpersonal communication; 3) culture level: the body is mediated by sense, the body is text carrying the information on belonging of the person to this or that subculture and manifesting the value orientations of the subject; the purpose is setting priorities in accordance with the historically established overbearing traditions; influence is made by the (sub)cultural communities and culture as an integral system. Construction of the body occurs in the field of gender differentiation. The binary opposition "masculine / feminine" can also be considered through the prism of the three levels. Owing to systemacity, integrity of the human being, reduction of the body to one of the levels of its explication is wrongful and in practice it leads to negative consequences for the individual and for society as a whole.


Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет

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