Open Access BASE2015



В статье поднимаются проблемы взаимосвязи национальной идеи и государственной идеологии. С этих позиций уточнены определения понятий «национальная идея», «национальный идеал», «государственная идеология» и описаны три принципиально различные исторические модели государственной идеологии в России допетровского, имперского и советского периодов. При рассмотрении комплекса проблем, связанных с формированием национальных идеалов в современный период особое внимание уделяется сфере образования и воспитания. ; Recently, we have seen a marked increase in interest of social scientists, journalists, politicians and the broad group of Russian citizens to searching and justification of the national idea and state ideology. These two interrelated concepts are the subjects of my research, for analyzing which I use comparative, historical, structural and functional, and system methods. For my research goals, I suggest a few definitions. I define national idea as a 'single' essence of a particular nation and its government in this historic development context. Under such approach, national ideal is formulated as a perfect image of the future of this nation and its state, which crystallizes universal and specific national characteristics, features, quality and the most perfect rational unit of civil and political life. Finally, I define state ideology as a prescribed system of postulates, rules, values, united by the key idea, which gives a very clear understanding to the majority of citizens about the existence of Russia and justification of geopolitical, economic reasons, the determinants of the Russian state unity within the present territory of the real historical context. I distinguish three fundamentally distinct models of state ideology in Russian political history. In the period before Peter the Great, there was the specific ideology of the feudal-monarchist-communal state with idea of the organic unity of the Orthodox religion, and way of life of the local agro-production process. In an empire era, ideology of centralized autocratic states, which based on the idea of an organic combination of national Orthodox monarchism (authoritarianism) and local democracy dominated. Ideology of the Soviet Union I define as pseudo-communist etatistic state aimed at centralized mass non-economic forcing to accelerated realization of certain (primarily economic) models of ideal social order. I suppose deep essence of the modern stage it is a hidden support of the political elite in Russia etatistic idea of formation the economy by strengthening the state base in terms of conservation in public and on the mental levels of the key features of the Soviet system. One of the main conclusions of my article is following: throughout the history of the Russian state, ideology played the role of one of 'braces' for Russian huge and multi-layer state space. However, today there is not really any new idea, which expresses the essence of nation in Russian society in the modern conditions. State-construction goals require the development of such idea, and the necessary condition for this is organic combination of ideological construction and the actual state of the state and society, because the actual working state strategy reflects the actually existing in this society interests and values. I also formulate another important conclusion: the need for a radical strengthening of the educational component in the Russian education system because now its place is occupied by foreign actors through its educational programs being implemented in the consciousness of the Russian youth western values and attitudes that undermine trust and love for the Fatherland.


Автономная некоммерческая организация Научно-издательский Центр "Пространство и Время

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