Open Access BASE2015



Здійснено філософсько-правовий аналіз проблеми імплементації міжнародного державотворення у національну ідею в контексті філософії української реальності. Обґрунтовано, що сучасний рівень глобалізації як своєрідний виклик національній ідеї державотворення, і у принципі правотворення, окреслює важливі запитання, правильною відповіддю на які може бути винятково якісне вдосконалення рівня управління і досягнення ним значної ефективності, що, своєю чергою, підвищить конкурентоспроможність держави на міжнародному рівні. Осуществлен философско-правовой анализ проблемы имплементации международных стандартов создания государства в национальную идею в контексте философии украинской реальности. Обосновано, что современный уровень глобализации как своеобразный вызов национальной идеи государства, и в принципе правотворчества, определяет важные вопросы, правильным ответом на которые может быть исключительно качественное совершенствование уровня управления и достижения им большей эффективности, что, в свою очередь, повысит конкурентоспособность государства на международном уровне. ; Carried out legal and philosophical analysis of the problem of implementation of international standards in the creation of the state national idea in the context of the philosophy of Ukrainian reality. It is proved that the current level of globalization as a challenge to the state of the national idea and principle of lawmaking identifies important issues, the correct answer to which can be exclusively qualitative improvement of management level and achieve them more effective, which in turn will increase the competitiveness of the state in the international level. Forms and methods of implementation of international state-building in national lawmaking idea and directly depend on the country, among which they will operate. These forms and methods will be more successful in countries where internal structure favorable for the Implementation process than those where implementation will require considerable effort, or both can hit the opposition historically formed social and political consciousness or national authorities. In addition, there is a definite difference in the attitudes of small and large countries to implement foreign policy, especially on human rights. The intensity of the internal conflict between national interests and international norms concerning human rights are directly proportional to the power in the political, economic and military spheres. Accordingly, these countries will be less favorable to implement the international state-building and, more likely to try to sell their game in the international political landscape. In summary, it should be noted that the current level of globalization as a challenge to state-building and national idea in principle lawmaking outlines important questions, the correct answer to which may be qualitative improvement of management and reaching the significant efficiency which, in turn, will increase the competitiveness of the state at the international level. The effectiveness of such controls, respectively, and the competitiveness of the state, will largely depend on how the government can ensure economic development, social stability and strengthening cultural perspective. In addition to the effectiveness of international state-building, which has proved to be effective in political and economic and social dimensions, there is a phenomenon specific identity of the nation, which was formed as a result of a long process of cultural and historical origin, development and life of this nation. Actually, this phenomenon under no circumstances can miss your attention in the implementation of international standards in state-specific national idea. Especially important is this phenomenon for Ukraine in the present circumstances the struggle of their right to implement international state building.

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