Open Access BASE2015



У статті здійснено дослідження філософсько-правового виміру європейських стандартів державотворення у контексті соціокультурного проектування української перспективи формування громадянського суспільства. З'ясовано, що, мабуть, однією із найсильніших сторін українського, і щонайменше східнослов'янського, громадянського суспільства є феномен жертовності та цінування суспільного начала і, зрештою, значущість традиції у буттєвому просторі. В статье проведено исследование философско-правового измерения европейских стандартов создания государства в контексте социокультурного проектирования украинской перспективы формирования гражданского общества. Выяснено, что, пожалуй, одной из самых сильных сторон украинского, и как минимум восточнославянского, гражданского общества является феномен жертвенности и правильной оценки общественного начала и, наконец, значимость традиции в бытийном пространстве. ; In this paper a study of philosophical and legal dimensions of European standards in the context of the creation of the state of the sociocultural design Ukrainian prospects for the formation of civil society. It was found that, perhaps, one of the strengths of the Ukrainian and Eastern Slavic least, civil society is a phenomenon of self-sacrifice and a correct assessment of the public beginning, and finally, the importance of tradition in the existential space. Formation in Ukraine integration vector in the unification mechanism for the implementation of European standards is the basis for state building awareness of the great importance of joining the European Union, and, accordingly, the requirements of the latter; understanding of the intrinsic value that has our state, national standards to improve individual and personality general public dimensions Ukrainian life. After all, despite the current difficult conditions of development, reform and actually martial Ukraine, it is still being turned its vector in the direction of European culture, with all its positives and negatives. There has that Ukrainian society has great potential, even more, though paradoxically, than some countries in Western Europe. Summing up, it can be noted that the promotion of European standards in state-Ukrainian sociocultural space is an important factor regarding acceptance and implementation of European values, where the formation and functioning of civil society is external and visible sign. In fact, European standards state, changing the internal configuration of the functioning of the state, makes it more a partner than a competitor or opponent in the formation of civil society. Nevertheless, implementing the European standards in the Ukrainian state-socio-cultural space, you need to consider the inadmissibility of the blind offset these standards from one medium to another, without specific historically formed existentialaxiological component of the Ukrainian people. In view of this, can there be no transfer of artificial and above all the creative perception and integration in Ukrainian politicaleconomic, socio-cultural and axiological dimensions of life, while preserving essential and valuable elements of this complex and long process.

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