Open Access BASE2015



Розкривається роль місцевих органів влади та органів місцевого самоврядування в забезпеченні основоположних прав і свобод громадян України. Визначаються основні напрями вдосконалення роботи цих інститутів у забезпеченні прав і свобод громадян. Раскрывается роль местных органов власти и органов местного самоуправления в обеспечении основоположных прав и свобод граждан Украины. Определяются основные направления совершенствования работы этих институтов в обеспечении прав и свобод граждан. ; The role of local authorities and organs of local self-government opens up in providing of fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens of Ukraine. Basic directions of improvement of work of these institutes are determined in providing of rights and freedoms of citizens. It is underlined that on the today's stage of development of humanity the problem of providing of fundamental rights and freedoms of man and citizen gets global character. She touches not only all levels of state power and association of citizens in a middle a country but also it goes beyond their limits, spreading to the international, planetary level. At the same time, the effective providing of rights and vital interests of citizens is impossible on condition of responsibility only from the side of the state. Citizens also must independently get organized for the sake of defence of law in force and own rights. The typical example of similar organizations are national, regional and local public organizations and organs of local self-government. However their activity must not duplicate the actions of public authorities, but serve as an additional mechanism, that assists realization of the normatively vested rights and freedoms of citizens from one side, and from other is an original counterbalance to the imperious mechanism, in this case independent organizations of citizens must resist to the possible self-will from the side of imperious subjects and public servants. Investigating this range of problems, it follows separately to examine the organs of local self-government and local public authorities, because the first are the independent, non-state, apolitical associations of citizens within the limits of certain territory, with the aim of assistance to certain vitally important interests and necessities of citizens that live on this territory. In turn, local public authorities it the structural administrative elements of central (national) legitimate state government bodies are certain, so a district area of militia is an element that is included in such national system, as Ministry of internal affairs. Local self-government, that in accordance with the articles of a 140-145 Constitution of Ukraine is one of forms of participation of citizens in a government is a form of local association of territorial society (habitants of village, city or voluntarily association of habitants of a few settlements, territorial-administrative units). Local self-government can independently decide the internal questions of local value in limits and in accordance with Constitution and laws of Ukraine. Local self-government is the most effective mechanism of inhibition of central state power, method of defending of interests of certain territorial association of citizens. In this case members of the certain community, created on territorial principle realize itself not only as a citizen of Ukraine but also habitant of certain settlement, district. A grant of wide state-imperious latitudes to the organs of local selfgovernment is one of key signs of the democratic, right state with the developed civil society.

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