Open Access BASE2014



Рассмотрены возможности и предложены варианты приспособления загородных поместий под новые функции. Значение русской дворянской усадьбы для культуры России трудно переоценить. Это явление самобытное и многогранное. В нем сфокусировались все социально-экономические и историко-культурные процессы России. Но сегодня мы стоим на грани потери этого неоценимого пласта нашего наследия, элементов культурной идентичности страны. Научный и общественный интерес к этому национальному феномену дал мощный импульс к изучению усадеб и пополнению информации о них, но, к сожалению, не дал ответа, как эффективно использовать это наследие в современных условиях. ; Russian manorial estate, the importance of which for the Russian culture can scarcely be exaggerated, is an original and many-sided phenomenon, in which all socio-economic, historical and cultural processes of Russia are focused. Having come into being as dwelling and house-hold complexes, the estates gradually formed cultural framework of Russia in the period from the middle 18th to the end of 19th centuries. In connection with changing social conditions taking place in the 20th century and the loss of their primary meaning only the small part of the estates is conserved today and we are standing at the edge of loosing this invaluable layer of our cultural heritage. In recent years the attempts to revise our history have given positive improvement of public treatment of our historical and architectural heritage. As a result the public interest to the national phenomenon of estates provoked strong impulse to study and to accumulate information about them, but unfortunately did not answer the question how to use this heritage under present-day conditions. The legislation changes recently and the creation of programs and nonstate charitable funds give the hope for the positive improvement in the reconstruction of estates and involving them in the contemporary life. Possible variants of usage of historical settlements as well as estate and park complexes having the great scientific and cognitive and architectural value are considered. The revival of the historical estates together with the national cultural traditions is still not developed enough, but it is an inexhaustible source for the economical and cultural development of Russian regions.


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