Open Access BASE2014

История философско-правовых учений о гражданском обществе


В Украине на сегодняшний день происходит процесс формирования гражданского общества. В связи с этим возникает необходимость разработки и закрепления на законодательном уровне государственной программы развития такого общества. Именно для формирования полноценной и всеобъемлющей государственной программы нужно при ее разработке учитывать исторический опыт философско-правовых учений о гражданском обществе. Таким образом, изучение истории философско-правовых учений о гражданском обществе является актуальным. В статье автор дает общую характеристику исторического развития философско-правовых учений о гражданском обществе. Автор делает выводы о том, что для формирования в Украине гражданского общества необходимо принять во внимание научные наработки ученых предыдущих веков. При этом зарубежный опыт целесообразно адаптировать к украинской реальности с учетом правовых традиций украинского народа. ; In Ukraine today is the formation of civil society. Therefore, there is a need to develop and fixation in the state program of development of a society. It is to form a complete and comprehensive state program is required when it developed to take into account the historical experience of philosophical and legal doctrines of civil society. Thus, the study of the history of philosophical and legal doctrines of civil society is important. Ancient period or Age of antiquity lay foundations of the concept of civil society. For the first time used the term "civil society". Man, according to the philosophers mentioned period, is inextricably linked to the state, but the will of man is one of the preconditions for the existence and proper functioning of the state. A special place is occupied by the idea of the divine origin of society and the state. A common characteristic of the Middle Ages ideas for the advantage of the religious element. Christianity is the basis for philosophical and legal thought. Jurisdiction of the Christian Church extends to all cases in both private and state-owned. The basis of social construction is God, after which followed a secular state governor (Emperor, rabbits, Prince) and spiritual leader (patriarch, Pope, metropolitan). Church considerably strengthening its position both economically and politically. During the Renaissance to the forefront the idea of freedom and happiness of the human person, unlike the Middle Ages where the main remained the state and the church. Human dignity begins to occupy a leading position in scientific discussions. Although the state for the thinkers of this period is the key to peace, which is able to overcome the chaos of the Middle Ages. During the Enlightenment are the further development of the idea of a fair organization of the state and the natural equality of men as were laid by the Renaissance period. Is developing and becoming theory of natural law, are valued principles that dictated the public mind, carried criticism of the church and theological ideas. A new period characterized by pluralism. In philosophical and legal thought emerging new theory of state and law, including on the concept of civil society. Ukrainian state since 1991 headed for active democratization of society and system of government. For this reason the development, formation, establishment and government influence on the development of civil society are more relevant than ever. The article gives a general description of the historical development of philosophical and legal doctrines of civil society. The author infers that for the formation of civil society in Ukraine it is necessary to take into account scientific developments scholars of previous centuries. However, international experience it is advisable to adapt to Ukrainian reality, taking into account the legal traditions of the Ukrainian people.

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