Open Access BASE2015



Исследуются ключевые принципы концепции глобальной устойчивости и возможность их распространения на территориально-экономические системы другого пространственного уровня, а также различия в подходах и определениях понятий «промышленность» и «промышленный комплекс» и связанных с этим проблемах, включая механизм и факторы обеспечения устойчивости для объектов с разным содержанием. Основная идея исследования расширение концепции устойчивого развития посредством изменения факторов устойчивости для систем неглобального уровня: регионов, их промышленных комплексов, отдельных компаний. Для таких систем фактор экологической эффективности рассматривается как менее значимый и нецелевой в плане обеспечения их устойчивого развития. Основными будут являться такие факторы, как сохранение целостности системы, поддержание ее конкурентоспособности, обеспечение доступа к рынкам сбыта и ресурсов, снижение рисков. Утверждается, что задача сохранения устойчивого развития промышленного комплекса региона будет связана с созданием более широких возможностей ресурсного обеспечения производства, формированием сети производственной кооперации предприятий регионального промышленного комплекса, расширением регионального экспорта и инновационными решениями. ; The article aims to explore the sustainable development concept applied to a regional manufacturing industry. The concept of sustainable development derived from environmental concerns, and rapidly growing production consumption that must ensure the maintenance of high quality living conditions, including their economic, social, and environment parts or dimensions. The limited resources and human activity that cause environmental degradation are considered as the most important reasons for changing the model of growth and development of national economies, and the world economy. Although the concept is applied to others no global socio-economic systems as regions, industries, industrial complexes, and even companies, its main constituted goal is eco-efficiency. The idea of the research is to broad the initial concept of sustainability, and not to focus on the natural resources and eco-efficiency, but on the ability of an economic system to create its own sources of growth and development according to the priority of the goals such as system's integrity, market power, and lowered risks. The object of the research is industries of regional economy which is considered as an integrated industrial complex. There was also studied the situation with the different definitions of industry and production, and their sustainability in Russian and English that might cause some problems for researchers and politicians. The paper proposes the model for sustainable development for regional industrial complex based on the following characteristics and principals: 1) аny dynamic system has its own development goals and priorities; 2) region as a dynamic system has the priority of its goals and economic interests which may conflict with the goals of other systems such as the national and world economies; 3) the industries and production units located in the region, and connected with links of supply chain cooperation must be considered as a complex integrity a system; 4) sustainable development of an industrial complex depends on the approaches to the definition of its structure and borders (business units included into the complex), the required state of sustainability and its indicators; 5) sustainable development of regional industrial complex requires sustainable supply of resources, but they are not the limiting factor for the long-term development of manufacturing industry due to the mobility of its resources and big potential supply on the global market; 6) innovations cause instability in economical systems as much as they cause new opportunities for sustainable development, and they are the core element for the competitiveness; 7) expanding sales and industrial cooperation net outside the region, the complex increases its sustainability.


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