Open Access BASE2020

World Values Survey Wave 2 (1990-1994) ; WVS Wave 2 (1990-1994)


The World Values Survey (WVS) is an international research program devoted to the scientific and academic study of social, political, economic, religious and cultural values of people in the world. The project's goal is to assess which impact values stability or change over time has on the social, political and economic development of countries and societies. The project grew out of the European Values Study and was started in 1981 by its Founder and first President (1981-2013) Professor Ronald Inglehart from the University of Michigan (USA) and his team, and since then has been operating in more than 120 world societies. The main research instrument of the project is a representative comparative social survey which is conducted globally every 5 years. Extensive geographical and thematic scope, free availability of survey data and project findings for broad public turned the WVS into one of the most authoritative and widely-used cross-national surveys in the social sciences. At the moment, WVS is the largest non-commercial cross-national empirical time-series investigation of human beliefs and values ever executed. ; The target population is defined as: individuals aged 18 (16/17 is acceptable in the countries with such voting age) or older (with no upper age limit), regardless of their nationality, citizenship or language, that have been residing in the [country] within private households for the past 6 months prior to the date of beginning of fieldwork (or in the date of the first visit to the household, in case of random-route selection). ; The sampling procedures differ from country to country; probability Sample: Multistage Sample Probability Sample, Simple Random Sample. Representative single stage or multi-stage sampling of the adult population of the country 18 (16) years old and older was used for the WVS 1990-1994. Sample size was set as effective sample size of 1000 respondents or more. Countries with great population size and diversity are requirred to reach an effective sample of N=1200 or larger. ; Study on values realized in the countries of Europe by EVS research network in the 1981-2008 period is not included into the current data-set and is avaliable for both downloading and online-analysis at: ; Face-to-face interview ; Face-to-face interview: PAPI (Paper and Pencil Interview)

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