Open Access BASE2022

The formation of a new world order as an object of political science research ; Формування нового світопорядку як об'єкт політологічного дослідження


The article deals with the existing scientific approaches to the interpretation of the term "world order". Based on the analysis they are systematized into three key directions: institutional, ideological (axiological), and actor approach. Within the framework of the latter approach, there is a transition from the study of poles or centers of power to a statement of the fact of polycentricity of the new world order. For the completeness of the political science study of the world order the author considers it necessary to take into account besides the institutional design, configuration of actors, and value paradigm also the nature of society in which such an order is formed (post-information or network) and the state of globalization processes that determine the spatial characteristics of the world order (de-globalization, regionalization, and localization). Despite the difference in interpretations, different scientific schools are united by the thesis of the modern liberal world order crisis. The scientific debate revolves around the question of whether the world order is in a state of definite transition or whether the current non-equilibrium state can be considered as a new world order. The synergetic paradigm, or complexity theory, proposed as a research methodology, provides an answer. According to it, the formation of new world order is seen as a nonequilibrium nonlinear process defined by a dynamic synthesis of order and chaos. If there are specific political actors (institutions, interest groups, individuals) in the political space, their influence on the transformation of the political space is possible at bifurcation points and is predominantly random. This defines subjectlessness as a trend in the formation of new world order. From the point of view of finding a methodological basis for the research, the existing models of system dynamics, cyclic models, and simulation modeling were considered. It is determined that for the study of the new world order as a nonlinear dynamic complex system, it is ...

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