Open Access BASE2016

Administrative responsibility in bank lending. ; Административная ответственность в сфере банковского кредитования. ; Адміністративна відповідальність у сфері банківського кредитування


The article considers the problem of application of measures of administrative responsibility for violation of legislation on consumer credit information and information constituting credit history. Stability of the banking system is essential to the economic life of society and is associated with law enforcement in the area of banking. Of particular importance to protect the interests of depositors and creditors has application measures against violators of banking legislation. Using administrative responsibility has traditionally been considered one of the most effective response. Proposed changes to the existing legislation to protect the rights of consumers of financial services. In particular, the possibility of bringing to administrative responsibility of officials of the bank for non-compliance with their obligation to provide relevant and reliable information about the list and the price of banking services, other information related to the provision of banking services. And also, the ability to attract employees credit bureau responsible for the violation of the disclosure and use of information constituting a credit history. ; В статье рассмотрены проблемы административной ответственности в сфере банковского кредитования и предложены изменения в действующее законодательство для обеспечения защиты прав потребителей финансовых услуг. ; У статті розглянуто проблеми адміністративної відповідальності у сфері банківського кредитування та запропоновано зміни до чинного законодавства щодо забезпечення захисту прав споживачів фінансових послуг.

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