Open Access BASE2015

"Fathers in literature" in the interpretation by Olexandr Irvanets. ; «Отцы в литературе» в интерпретации Александра Ирванца. ; «Батьки в літературі» в інтерпретації Олександра Ірванця


The article includes intertextual analysis of creations by A. Irvanets on subject of the "anxiety of influence" (term by H. Bloom). The article deals with the specific nature of paratexts such as dedication, epigraph, title, paratext and citation for communication with reader. Ukrainian postmodernism in its "bubabizm"-form (named after the group of post-modern poets, "Bu-Ba-Bu") occurs as theatricality of life and is polymorphic phenomenon: literary and at the same time – national, linguistic, social, gender, political. In addition to transforming language bubabizm has depersonalization of "I", breaking it to masks or characters and constructing over-"I" – multifaceted and multidimensional. The feature of this early postmodernism is the fact that it is not only presented as art practice and pretend to start a new artistic style (bubabizm), but also a form of cultural criticism, which carries a reformulation of the national cultural paradigm, especially in the aspect of popular culture. With the introduction of quotes different in their functional load and origin, combination of the most iconic works of art poetry O. Irvanets interest the wide range of recipients. The author builds a dialogue with predecessing writers, bringing readers to this process. Intertextuality is a measure of the weight of an artwork, as it finds expression mechanism of preservation and accumulation of cultural information that through a combination of intertext helps to prevent narrow reading, caused by the specific features of artistic era. That is demonstrating creativity by O. Irvanets that appeals to the cultural memory of different historical periods and present. ; В статье выявлено отношение А. Ирванца к предшественникам, акцентирована связь с современниками: Ю. Андруховичем, В. Небораком. Предложено интертекстуальное прочтение творчества А. Ирванца с целью выявления влияний на него предшественников. Прослеживается значение паратекстов (посвящений, эпиграфов, названий), парафраз и цитат для коммуникации автора с читателем. ; У статті виявлено ставлення О. Ірванця до попередників, акцентовано зв'язок із сучасниками: Ю. Андруховичем, В. Небораком. Запропоновано інтертекстуальне прочитання творчого доробку О. Ірванця з метою виявлення впливів на нього попередників (за Г. Блумом). Простежено значення паратекстів (присвят, епіграфів, назв), парафраз і цитат для комунікації автора з читачем.

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