Open Access BASE2017

What to Expect the Ukraine from the Geopolitical Changes after Election of the US President? ; Что ожидать Украине от геополитических изменений после выборов в США? ; Чого очікувати Україні від геополітичних змін після виборів у США?


The article gives an analysis of a possible modification of the United States foreign policy in connection with the presidential election, compiled a preliminary position of the main candidates regarding to the Russian-Ukrainian crisis. The analysis of the international geopolitical situation at the moment is made. The article highlights the positions of candidates in US presidents and candidates that have already dropped out on the Russian-Ukrainian crisis, as well as the analysis of the international geopolitical situation of our time, the forecast for the candidacy for President of the United States. Undoubtedly, the US remains one of the strongest powers, both in economic and in political and military terms. However, the championship increasingly difficult to maintain. The balance of power every year is shifted, and the United States can no longer lay claim to a higher power on a global scale. On the other hand, no other country in the world cannot do that. The US policy towards Ukraine will not undergo significant changes after the presidential election. After the elections in USA will be completed, and will elect a new President, it is unlikely that we will see some dramatic changes in American politics regarding Ukraine. Policy towards our country is not a passing interest of the United States, it is the long-term trend of American diplomacy. Therefore, it is not correct to say that the Republicans take a tougher stance against Russia, and Democrats vice versa. In the United States concerning foreign policy always acts a bipartisan consensus. The main constant is to support Ukraine and deter Russia. A few words about what Ukraine can expect from the candidates. The policy of the Obama administration towards Ukraine was quite weak. They did not want to impose sanctions against Russia, to deal with Putin, Obama has ignored the Budapest Memorandum of 1994. Hillary Clinton will be the same as her husband. Bill Clinton was remembered by grant Ukraine substantial support. Ted Cruz will be similar in this aspect to George W. Bush. No US President has not done for the integration of Ukraine in NATO more than George W. Bush. Trump and Sanders are uncertain because Trump is flirting with Putin, and Sanders is in nostalgia for Marxism-Leninism. If one of them becomes President, the institutional memory and the establishment outweigh and negate the negative effects. ; В статье рассмотрен вопрос возможной модификации внешней политики Соединенных Штатов Америки в связи с выбором на пост президента республиканца или демократа, составлена предварительная позиция главных кандидатов относительно конфликта на Востоке Украины. Проведен анализ международной геополитической ситуации в настоящее время. ; У статті розглянуто питання можливої модифікації зовнішньої політики Сполучених Штатів Америки у зв'язку з вибором на пост президента республіканця або демократа, складена попередня позиція головних кандидатів щодо конфлікту на Сході України. Проведено аналіз міжнародної геополітичної ситуації на цей час.

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