Open Access BASE2018

Using the process approach to further development of writing skills of the students of non-linguistic specialities


English is the most widely used language in numerous fields, including business, governmental issues, science, innovation, and culture. It is the working language of global organisations and the most-used language of the Internet. Thus, for the students of non-linguistic specialties, learning English is a way to get access to a broader range of information, connections, and opportunities. Nowadays written communication is crucial in the modern world. E-mails, business letters, reports, action minutes, essays are a part of current culture of companies which have partners and/or branches overseas. Whereas, it is essential for students to gain understanding, experience and fluency in writing habits for obtaining a successful career.




Актуальні питання вивчення германських, романських і слов'янських мов і літератур та методики викладання іноземних мов

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