Open Access BASE2014

Research projects of the representative organizations of the bourgeoisie of the ukrainian provinces (the second half of XIX–the beginning of the XX centuries) ; Науково-дослідні проекти представницьких організацій буржуазії українських губерній (друга половина ХІХ – початок ХХ ст.)


The activity of the representative bourgeoisie organizations of the Ukrainian provinces covered all the range of possible requirements and interests of businessmen, including research sphere. The consideration of this work,s direction of representative structures became possible as a result of using materials "Works …" of these associations, their periodicals, reports of research and experimental stations at the employer organizations, archival materials. The research and experimental establishments (experimental fields, entomological stations, chemical laboratories, indicative farms, meteorological, seed, test and seismic stations) are analysed in the article as the main directions of their activity and productivity. It is shown in the work that research activity of agricultural societies and industrial congresses covered a wide range of theoretical and scientific and applied questions. It is emphasized that the good result of their work was reached thanks to involvement of the famous scientific experts and professors of universities. It is noted that complementary work of theoretical and practical, academic and applied character culminated in the publication of fundamental works: the Encyclopedia of Agriculture by professor S.M. Bogdanov, the geological map and the description of the Donetsk Basin by professor L.I. Lutugin. Also congresses of figures of agricultural skilled business at the beginning of the XX century which became the logical result of active work and a rich experience in this field were considered in article. Having carried out the comparative analysis of research work in the industry and agriculture, the article concludes about quantitative predominance and financial government support of such establishments in the agrarian sphere that in general corresponded to type of economy of the Russian Empire as the countries with the dominating agricultural production. ; Діяльність представницьких організацій буржуазії українських губерній охоплювала весь спектр можливих потреб підприємців, у тому числі й науково- дослідний напрям. У статті подається аналіз науково-дослідних установ у структурі представницьких об'єднань сільськогосподарського та промислового спрямування, виділено особливості їхнього функціонування.

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