Open Access BASE2014

The politicization of the student movement as an integral part of the Islamic revolution in Iran ; Політизація студентських рухів як невід'ємна частина Ісламської революції в Ірані


The article is devoted to research of the stages of the politicization of the student movement and their influence of the Islamic revolution in Iran. The Islamic revolution, as the extreme manifestation of dissatisfaction wide strata of Iranian society policy Shah Pahlavi, marked the completion of the formation of a comprehensive system of student political activity. The emergence of revolutionary slogans for the elimination of foreign influence on domestic and foreign policy of Iran found a response among students got an opportunity to influence political processes in the country by creating a centralized student political associations. The paper investigates influence of students on the nature of the Islamic revolution that changed in proportion to the structuring of the political sympathies of the students. Despite the absence in the historiography of special studies on "student question" in the period of the overthrow of the monarchy in Iran, the author, on the basis of the analysis of documents from the archives of the Russian Federation and Washington, memoirs of prominent political leaders of Iran, the USSR and the United States, reveals the stages of involvement and influence of students on the revolutionary process. At the same time an attempt to analyze the impact on Iranian intellectuals of the Islamic clergy in the person of Ayatollah Khomeini and his ideas about the restoration of the traditional Islamic dogmas of the system of government of Iran. In the end it is concluded that students, because of their social mobility, has become the driving force of the Islamic revolution, and student political organizations, using radical methods of struggle, have changed the nature of the Islamic revolution, betrayed her pronounced anti-American sound. ; Стаття присвячена дослідженню політизації студентських рухів, що розпочалися в умовах революційних подій в Ірані. Доведено, що студентські громадсько-політичні організації вплинули на характер ісламської революції, надавши їй яскравого антиаме- риканського звучання.

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