Open Access BASE2022

Psychomotor approach to agressiveness in relation to other. Clinic of the soldiers suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder ; Approche psychomotrice de l'agressivité dans la relation à l'autre. Clinique du militaire souffrant de Trouble de Stress Post-Traumatique


Aggression is a normal and appropriate behavior as long as its expression meets a certain standard, or is placed in a particular framework. As the child grows, he learns to sublimate it and to postpone his expression in time, or to nuance its intensity. However, the military is one of the few professions to have a legitimacy, by the State, to push aggressiveness in its most destructive form; in certain circumstances, they have the right to kill. When Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) occurs, the expression of aggression may become unsuitable, especially because of the symbolic difficulties caused by the traumatic break-in. In this dissertation, we will show how psychomotricity can offer an accompaniment of the feeling and the inappropriate expression of expressiveness. We will begin by developing the fundamental social aspect of the human, since aggressiveness is intrinsically directed towards others, unlike violence. We will then delve into the consequences of PTSD, both in their physiological and psychological dimensions. Finally, we will link the experience of military patients suffering from PTSD to their relationship to aggression, before exploring the support that psychomotor practice can offer. Indeed, through its framework and various bodily mediations, such as bodily expression or relaxation, psychomotricity can seek to reconnect the loop sensation perception representation that may have been harmed by PTSD. Thus, by potentiating a "return to, or by the body", psychomotricity could accompany the patient in a more adapted experience of his aggressiveness, and thus support him in the nuances of his expression. ; L'agressivité est un comportement normal et adapté tant que son expression respecte une certaine norme, ou qu'elle se place dans un cadre particulier. En grandissant, l'enfant apprend à la sublimer et à différer son expression dans le temps, ou à nuancer son intensité. Cependant, les militaires font partie des rares corps de métier à disposer d'une légitimité, par l'État, à pousser ...

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