Open Access BASE2017



Educational success is not only determined by the educational process in schools and the availability of facilities and infrastructure, but also determined by the family and or community environment. Therefore, education is a shared responsibility between the government (schools), families and communities. This means implies that parents and the community mempumyai responsibility to participate in, contribute to think and provide assistance in the provision of education in schools. The relationship between education and the community feels is important so that a separate study in the field of science education. It is nothing but a logical consequence of the development of educational goals for each person to form itself into a whole person both as individuals and as members of society and spiritual and bodily health, knowledge and moral knowledge. Briefly education is a product of society, because if we realize the value of education as a process of transmission of knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, skills and other aspects of the behavior of the younger generation then the entire effort has been done entirely by the strength of public power. Almost everything we learn is the result of our relationships with other people in the home, school, play, work and so on. Natural that if everything we know is the result of a reciprocal relationship in such a way that turned out to have been shaped by our society. Asyraf, Ali. 1996. Horizon Baru Pendidikan Islam. Jakarta : Pustaka Firdausi, Azra, Azyumardi. 1999. Pendidikan Islam : Tradisi Dan Modernisasi Menuju Millennium Baru. Jakarta : Logos Wacana Ilmu D.Marimba, Ahmad. 1989. Pengantar Filsafat Pendidikan Islam Bandung : Al-Ma'rifat DEPAG RI. 2005. Al-Qur'an dan Terjemahannya. Jakarta: PT. Syaamil Cipta Media. Muhammad Al-Toumi, Omar. 1986. Falsafah Tarbiyah Islamiyah. Jakarta : Bulan Bintang Mulyasa. 2003. Menjadi Kepala Sekolah Profesional. Bandung: PT. Remaja Rosdakarya Mardiasmo. 2009. Aukuntansi Sektor Publik. Yogyakarta: Andi Shaleh Ahmad, Nazili. 1998. Pendidikan ...




LPPM Institut Agama Islam Al-Hikmah Tuban



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