Open Access BASE2009

Student management in Chinese higher education institutions

In: International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management Vol. 9, no. 11 (2009), p. 45-58


This study investigated six Chinese higher education institutions in relation to management of their students. The results indicate Chinese higher education institutions place a greater emphasis on controlling students in order to achieve desired outcomes according to their national ideology and cultural values. Control measures are intended to ensure good class attendance, collective teamwork and discipline. Their student management focuses on extrinsic rewards and punishments to promote desirable moral values and ethics. A very comprehensive control system is in place to achieve these goals. Students are encouraged to manage fellow students. The research also identified that prestigious universities with a higher level of entry scores place less control measures on their students compared to their counterparts with lower entry scores. Chinese higher education management believes the measures to control students are designed to combat negative elements of human beings. This study provides an understanding into the reasons why current higher education management practices exist in China and offers some explanations from historical, political and social culture perspectives. The study will assist Western educators to better understand the challenges facing Chinese students studying abroad. © Common Ground.

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