Open Access BASE2008

Política comercial brasileira: os dilemas da inserção internacional


This article analyses the Brazilian trade policy and the dilemmas involved in the search of a more dynamic insertion in the world's international trade system. In view of the prevailing tendencies in the direction of globalization and regionalism, new rules and disciplines introduced in GATT's Uruguay Round, proposals coming from the United States and from the European Union, respectively, to become a partner in Free Trade Agreements, Brazil is confronted with strategic choices which will determine its long-term development's possibilities. ; This article analyses the Brazilian trade policy and the dilemmas involved in the search of a more dynamic insertion in the world's international trade system. In view of the prevailing tendencies in the direction of globalization and regionalism, new rules and disciplines introduced in GATT's Uruguay Round, proposals coming from the United States and from the European Union, respectively, to become a partner in Free Trade Agreements, Brazil is confronted with strategic choices which will determine its long-term development's possibilities.

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