Open Access BASE1983

Non-Proliferation and Assurance of Supply: Recent Models of International Nuclear CooperationVolume 1: Summaries


This study is concerned with mechanisms for intergovernmental planning in the international uranium market. Particular aspects of a possible supply system are presented in the form of an emergency network in the case of failure of delivery in the uranium supply sector. The primary idea of a uranium network is based (in the first instance) on the perception that on the one hand nuclear energy plays a significant role in world energy supply but on the other hand only a few nations have sufficient uranium deposits at their disposal. Those nations operating nuclear energy who do not have their own uranium supplies are therefore justifiably interested in assuring their uranium supply in the case of emergency. On the other hand, it is in the interest of the international community to prevent the further proliferation of nuclear weapons with the aid of generally accepted NP principles. We are therefore concerned with the realization of institutional possibilities with respect to cooperation which can increase confidence, at the sametime affering an effective control of non-proliferation, and make a considerable contribution to assuring the supply of participants as determined at that time by CAS and demanded in the INFCE. At the front end interruptions in the production of natural uranium, conversion, enrichment and in fuel element fabrication, as well as in the necessary transportation between the individual stages, can occur if uranium is no longer available in sufficient quantities for various reasons. The reasons for failure of the uranium supply can be of a technical, politicalor commercial nature. They can however also be brought about by natural catastrophes. Furthermore, technical deficiencies, strikes, a sudden change in the uranium exporting or importing countries' policy, a tightening of the expert or investment policy of the supplier countries can also lead to interruptions in supply. [.]




Kernforschungsanlage Jülich GmbH Zentralbibliothek, Verlag

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