Open Access BASE2015

Public Expenditure and Regional Development (Studies In Education Sector in South Sulawesi)


South Sulawesi government has placed education as a top priority of regional development. In the Medium Term Development Plan of South Sulawesi 2008-2013, the education sector together with the health sector occupies the first agenda of the seven regional development agenda. To ensure that all children who are at school age actually attending school, South Sulawesi government since 2008 has implemented a policy of free education in all districts / cities. In real terms, the proportion of the education sector expenditure to total expenditure in the region of South Sulawesi is already above 20 percent with an increasing trend from year to year. In 2010, the proportion of education expenditure to total expenditure areas has reached 30.78 percent, whereas in 2005 only reached 20.89 percent. Education sector spending is increasing faster than the total shopping area led to the proportion of the education sector expenditure to total expenditure continues increase. Expenditure for the education sector in South Sulawesi has tripled over the period 2005-2011. In 2005, total real spending the education sector amounted to Rp 1.67 trillion and Rp 5.00 trillion increase to the year 2011, however, when viewed from the acquisition of knowledge is still relatively low as indicated by the large portion of the population is illiterate and the average low rate -rata old school which is reflected in the low HDI. The factors that lead to creative adaptation in the field of science and technology is quite slow.




International Scientific Research and Researchers Association (ISRRA)

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